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Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Never Did Get the Hang of Thursdays

Another in a run of lovely Autumn days. I don't know how long the weather will hold, but am enjoying it while we have it. iTunes is still on the fritz. I'm beginning to think Sis is right and there's nothing for it but to re-import *EVERYTHING*. *sigh* I'm pretty down today, despite the lovely weather. But it's better not to get into that.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Midweek Agro

Computers are wonderful...until they aren't!
My iTunes has been giving me mysterious and vexing problems for several days now. So, finally, after discussing the situation with Sis, I decided to uninstall and reinstall iTunes. A cinch, you say? Obviously, you do not know moi. First the file(s) did not download at all. Then they only downloaded partially. As I type the files are downloading again *fingers crossed and knock on wood!*
It's amazing not to say disturbing how dependent we become on technology. Mind you, I still play good old fashioned records and CDs, as well as the occasional cassette. But I feel lost without iTunes.
Update: How is it possible for a program, in this case iTunes, to continue generating error messages after it has been removed? I keep getting boxes saying iTunes was not installed correctly. GRR!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday Evening

- Photo courtesy of listener
at Howard Empowered People
Another beautiful Fall day here. I haven't done anything; though a little while ago I pre-ordered at some Christmas CDs, including Andy Williams' complete Christmas recordings. Looking forward to that. Ordinarily I'd be grumpy at Christmas stuff being up already, but pre-orders are all right...I suppose.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Afternoon

Lovely, sunny afternoon. I had a nice tea: buttered toast with apricot jam and tea with orange, passion fruit and jasmine. Not altogether sure I like jasmine, but it made a nice change.

I am now the proud owner of a two (count 'em, two) terabyte external drive. Remember when one gig seemed ostentatious and totally unnecessary? Ah, for the good old days when life was simple. *wry grin*

I've been spending a lot of time at Fun Trivia and more time offline working on my own quizzes. It keeps me out of trouble. But it does become something of an obsession, so I need to watch myself.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Week Ending

It hasn’t been the greatest week. It’s only fair to say, it  hasn’t been the worst, but  I’m glad it’s ending. Haven’t been feeling too perky.

Breezing through the Georgiana Rannoch books – currently on Naughty in Nice, the fifth in the series. Still enjoying them, though the  boy crazy friend Belinda is beginning to wear a little thin. After this I’ll be caught up, having come in with Book 6, The Twelve Clues of Christmas. Suppose at that  point I’ll have to return to more substantial reading fare. But I’ll worry about that when the time comes.

In the outside world, Patty Page died this week. R.I.P.
Here’s my favorite of her  songs, “Old Cape Cod.”

Friday, January 04, 2013

Staying Power?

Had a good writing session Wednesday evening. Also doing well maintaining the Rosary and the two sessions on the elliptical. Despite the persistently sore hip, making progress at increasing the time. But Thursday was definitely not a good day. Friday was better, but not great. Tired and really don’t want to do anything but listen to my audiobook. I hope Saturday is better!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Like A Herd Of Turtles

Got started on the new story. No title yet, not even a working title, just a filename. However, it is started, which is something.

In the interests of research, I used my googling skills, such as they are, to look for Much Lovering, the name of the village – tentatively situated in Devon – where our heroine eventually ends up. Astonishingly, there doesn’t appear to be anyplace with that name in England. Doesn’t it sound like a quintessentially English name? That’s better though. If it’s wholly fictitious, I can set it up just as the storyline requires. So, in a way, that’s a relief.

Will be some time till we get that far. Need to get through our heroine’s unhappy life in W. Mass. I have it all laid out in my mind, but sometimes translating from mind to paper (computer screen) is more challenging than one would think. However, it’s still early enough for me to be optimistic.

Haven’t written yet today. Hope to get an hour or two in before bedtime.

On the other hand, I didn’t remember to say the Rosary yesterday but did today. Hope I have the staying power to stick with it. Not only is praying good for the soul, it’s good for the body too. My mother says saying the Rosary lowers her blood pressure, and I also find it calming.

Also doing well with the exercise. Put in two sessions on the elliptical today. Also am able to sustain longer. I’m hopeful that ten minutes at a time may be within reach.

Not all the news is good. Spent the evening buying MP3 music and CDs. Only two CDs though, and the MP3 music was mostly single songs, only one album. So the final cost wasn’t as bad as it might have been. Still, that’s something else I need to watch.  * sigh *

Well into Royal Flush, the third Georgiana Rannoch book and loving it.

That’s probably enough of my mindless rambling for now.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Beginnings

It’s a new year, which traditionally calls for new beginnings.

Tonight I’ll start a new story. Today I’ll start getting serious about exercise and, after my birthday and the lemon Meringue pie Patty usually brings, a bit of weight loss as well. This year I am going to beat the pernicious habit of using bad language. And I’m also going to get back into the good habit of praying, saying the Rosary every day if nothing else. And I’m going to finish * something * - preferably “World Enough and Time.” Didn’t finish anything at all last year.

Not very ambitious goals perhaps. But then I’ve learned to set the bar low. Here’s hoping I have the perseverance to achieve them, modest as they are!

On a more lighthearted note, I’ve discovered a new series, the Royal Spiness books by Rhys Bowen. They are delightful Mystery/Romance stories set in 1930s London. Always love finding new books! They are definitely Chick Lit, but if you enjoy that sort of thing, I recommend them highly.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rejection Isn't Always A Bad Thing

Daily Science Fiction rejected “Snowball The Wonder Cat.” That wasn’t really a surprise, but I just thought I’d try.

However, the rejection gave me the impetus to show the story to my writing group. A couple of members gave me suggestions that have proved very helpful. So, I’m now working on developing the story. It’s already twice as long as it was and considerably deeper. Developing Cassie’s personality and the relationship between her and Snowball. It’s going well and I’m excited about it.

...and all because of a rejection.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Maybe not much, but something

Started working on a new song today, “Come to Me”. The timing, that is to say the note values, isn’t quite right in the last couple measures, but it’s definitely coming along nicely.

I’ve also been working on more Engelbert quizzes for Fun Trivia. (To see my existing quizzes, follow the “My Quizzes” link in the sidebar.) Not only do I very much enjoy researching and putting together these quizzes, but this is a great time to be promoting Enge, now that he has been named as the UK entry in the Eurovision Song Contest. As one of my friends said, “Engelbert Mania has begun!” I’m not sure I’d go that far. But, at the very least, people are going to be looking for info and trivia about him. And your humble Cat is well positioned to fill that need.

I’ve also been forging ahead with my Hadley course on Punctuation. This stuff is harder than it looks! I express myself pretty well, but the finer points of punctuation, including italicization and capitalization, have always eluded me. That’s what comes of reading with audio rather than direct from a print or braille text. But now I’m discovering that some of the things I thought I knew – things I’ve been doing for years – are not according to Hoyle, or at least not according to this course. * sigh * Live and learn, I guess.

Anyway, I haven’t been accomplishing a whole lot lately. On the other hand, I haven’t been accomplishing nothing either, and I suppose that’s the main thing.