The week is starting auspiciously. Dad got my iTunes restored, hurray! Because the backup from which he did the "restore" is a couple years old, I have a number of CDs to re-import; but, it is a *whole* lot better than starting all over again. That he succeeded in the end is a testament to his determination and, I think, his engineering training that led him to find the problem intriguing. However that may be, I'm very grateful!
Still kind of down, but fighting it. Besides the iTunes restoration, another good thing is that I finally broke through the two hundred thousand point barrier at Fun Trivia. Of course, that's still peanuts, but it's progress. Stilll haven't heard back on my submitted quiz. But, I did need to make a couple minor corrections and resubmit, which sent it back to the end of the queue; so, it'll be a while yet. I'm eager to get this one online, since it will allow me to move on to the next stage of Adventures in Authoring. Don't want to start The Great Quiz Race or any other quest type challenge till I've completed Adventures in Authoring, and I have no idea how much further there is to go in that.
Meantime, I continue to work on more quizzes. Haven't done any actual writing, either songs, poetry or fiction, in some time. But I figure getting the blog re-started is a good first step.