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Thursday, October 03, 2024

Gripe, Lie...

Predictably, Fox News is griping that Jack Smith's January Sixth brief should not have been released to the public "so close to the election."

Perhaps also predictably, they claim the reason for their objection is a long-standing, unwitten Justice Department rule of avoiding starting an investigation of a politician within some time (sixty days, ninety days, I don't recall) of an election. Needless to say, the "rule" they are invoking does not apply to the situation at hand.

Fox News chronically lies, misrepresents and distorts. The on-air personalities who spew these lies, to say nothing of the hacks who write them, must surely know they are lies. What miserable human beings, making their livings by knowingly, purposely diseminating lies, what's more knowing those lies will frighten and manipulate their viewers. All I can say is, may God have mercy on their souls - if they still havde souls - because I certainly cannot find it in my heart to feel charity towards them!


  1. Walking past Dad's TV a few minutes ago, I heard some broad on Fox News pontificating, claiming that V.P. Harris has no governing experience, knows nothing about Economics and cannot be trusted to run our economy. She further opined that the plans Ms. Harris discusses are so much blather, written for her by stupid hacks. She was clearly leading up to some conclusion, but I got out of earshot before hearing what it was, though it's not hard to imagine: President Trump will lead us into a brave new world of peace and prosperity... /barf/

    1. Just looked it up. The broad in question is the execrable Laura Ingraham.
