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Monday, October 07, 2024

Supreme Court Rejects Elon Musk's Suit Involving Donald Trump's Tweets

What's new?

One of the things that's new, or at least going on, is that I've been experiencing brain fog, fatigue, inability to concentrate and general blahs.

One thing I have meant to mention is that in the summer I got hooked on the video game Royal Match. It's very enjoyable, though it may be contributing to my fuzzy-headedness.

More recently, I've been trying to become more serious about my Catholic practice. St. Thomas the Apostle parish in West Springfield videocasts daily and Sunday Mass on YouTube, so I can attend remotely. Also found not only the Rosary but also a few other devotions. No doubt you've noticed that the Morning Offering has been starting the blog day for a while now. So, that's lovely and, really, a great comfort.

For the fall I bought a pair of houndstooth check slacks [click]. I got the natural. They're a lovely, soft knit material - very comfortable.

In less cheerful news, my knuckles ache. Not all of them - mostly it's the index fingers - and not all the time, but enough. Seems to me it first became noticeable as more than a one off in the summer.

It's probably a good idea to keep a record of such things somewhere. All too often you mention somethin to the doctor and when she asks when it started, you have no idea, which makes you seem rather foolish.

Both Dad and Sis have been poorly lately. Please keep them in your prayers, hold them in the Light, whatever your thing is. It's a great help.

So, what's new with you?

Longer Form - Pray Along - Daily Morning Offering and Prayers - 7 October

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Gripe, Lie...

Predictably, Fox News is griping that Jack Smith's January Sixth brief should not have been released to the public "so close to the election."

Perhaps also predictably, they claim the reason for their objection is a long-standing, unwitten Justice Department rule of avoiding starting an investigation of a politician within some time (sixty days, ninety days, I don't recall) of an election. Needless to say, the "rule" they are invoking does not apply to the situation at hand.

Fox News chronically lies, misrepresents and distorts. The on-air personalities who spew these lies, to say nothing of the hacks who write them, must surely know they are lies. What miserable human beings, making their livings by knowingly, purposely diseminating lies, what's more knowing those lies will frighten and manipulate their viewers. All I can say is, may God have mercy on their souls - if they still havde souls - because I certainly cannot find it in my heart to feel charity towards them!

Longer Form - Pray Along - Daily Morning Offering and Prayers - 3 October