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Saturday, August 03, 2024

It's Saturday!

After an eventful week, it's time to relax...for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I said you might not have too much R&R today. And, it has been a busy weekend so far.

    As Glenn Kirschner suggested yesterday [click], Judge Chutkan wasted no time getting right back into the swim once Trump vs. United States was returned to her from the Supreme Court. Michael Popok reports [click] on the order she issued today.

    Meanwhile, suspense continues to mount over V.P. Harris' selection of a running mate. A lot of folks in my little corner of YouTube, including yours truly, want Secretary Pete, though I have also heard him mentioned for State, where he would be brilliant. Heck, he'd be brilliant as a tiddlywink coach. Whatever Pete chose to do, he would excel at.

    But the talking heads seem to think it will be Gov. Shapiro of Pennsylvania, though his seemingly deep commitment to Israel is a definite turnoff. I saw a clip of Trump in which he said that if Harris selects Shapiro, that will cost her the Palestinian vote. For once, I agree with him, slightly ill though admitting it makes me. And it's not only the strictly Palestinian-American vote he would lose her, but I should think a goodly portion of those who want peace and justice for Palestine and accountability for Israel. Is gaining Pennsylvania worth losing so much of the good will that has been pouring out for her? I'm not an election analyst, but the choice of Shapiro would cause me to question her commitment to a two state solution. It might not be enough to lose her my vote, but it would dent my confidence in her.
