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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Priscilla Is on the Mend

Priscilla Kitty

Priscilla was very ill earlier this week. Sis caught this photo of her on Monday. We knew she was terribly sick, since she ordinarily doesn't allow anyone near her with a camera.

Mercifully, she has been steadily bouncing back, though she still appears to have intestinal issues. But, she's eating almost normally and drinking water. She joined Dad on the couch last night for snuggles and petting, something she hasn't felt well enough to do for several days. Best of all, she is back to full voice, making herself heard loud and clear last night and today.

A huge thank you to everybody who has been holding her and Dad in the Light - and, of course, to St. Gertrude of Nivelles! [click]


  1. Glad to hear Priscilla is better; and to be educated about St. Gertrude as well.
    ------Alan in CA

  2. Priscilla is gorgeous! How old is she now?
    It's so hard when they're sick and we can't explain things to them.
    Hang in there. I hope she keeps improving...! ✨😺✨
