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Saturday, July 06, 2024

"I wouldn't if I didn't think I did."

In a televised interview last night, Pres. Biden rejected claims of mental incompetence and calls for him to leave the presidential race that have grown and spread like kudzu since his poor showing in the June Twenty-seventh CNN debate with former president Trump. In a spirited exchange with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, the president discussed recent campaign events and gave a glimpse into his daily workload. Needless to say, Mr. Biden was sharp and in control of facts. He also aserted (rightly in this blogger's view) that he is the candidate who can and shall beat Trump in November.

I have been disgusted and infuriated by the rush, even by some I had long admired, to create an issue where none existed- there have been bad debate performannces before! - and foment panic. Perhaps the President's forceful presentation last night will put such dangerous nonsense to rest once and for all, so we can get on with the business of keeping Trump from being re-elected.


  1. It occurred to me this morning that the President made one mistake during the interview. When George said challengingly that Trump draws larger crowds than Mr. Biden, he acknowledged the comment and brushed it aside impatiently. His impatience was understandable. George was being a bulldog and coming off as a jerk rather than a hart-hitting journalist. But in giving in to his impatience, the President lost an opportunity to turn the focus away from Trump's lies and fantasy world, back to the real world. He should have answered, "Trump *says* he draws bigger crowds than I do." That would have put George on the defensive and allowed the President to elaborate, for instance like this:

    "Trump and his people always report large, often improbably large, crowd sizes. Sizes the news media accept and report without question or independent checking. I'm sure you remember his claim to have had the biggest crowd for an inaugural address in history? Do you remember the CSPAN pictures? He lies. He always lies about everything. Why shouldn't he be lying when he claims to have bigger crowds than me? And, even if he does, why does that matter? I'm the one that gets things done. I'm the one that tells the truth. I'm the one that cares about this country and have spent the past three and a half years working to help and strengthen her. And I'm the one that's gonna spend the next four years finishing the job."

    Pres. Biden is a good and honorable man. He's not accustomed to attacking. Problem is, with Trump, you've got to attack constantly. You've got to keep an eye out for the slightest opportunity to change the subject from what Trump (and the mainstream media) wants it to be to what it should be; namely, Trump's lies, his past and upcoming criminal prosecutions - especially his theft of state documents - his plans to establish a fascist state. Then, once the focus is off the Trump lies and delusions, go on to Pres. Biden's accomplishments and plans for his next term.

    We all have to do this, from the President on down. All of us, that is, who do not want to live Trump's dystopian future.

  2. Hi Catreona,
    Your new follower signified by "J" is me.

    ~ listener
