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Saturday, July 20, 2024

It's Saturday!

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It's Saturday! Kick back, relax with a tall glass of ice cold lemonade and forget about your cares for a while.


  1. Good morning, blog. It’s a beautiful morning here in Springfield. I hope it is where you are too.

    1. Oops, that was me posting from my iPhone, on which I am not logged in.

    2. Ya can't fool ME, Amomanus!
      -----Alan in CA

  2. I spent some time watching this program this afternoon: "Why Donald Trump raised his fist after being shot at" | Shrinking Trump - Click

    Also spent some time with Sis, who is feeling pretty awful after getting both tetanus and diphtheria shots yesterday.

  3. The weirdest thing happened this afternoon while I was sitting with Sis. I put my hand down - don't even know why - and discovered an oozing scrape about two inches long and perhaps half an inch wide with radiating scratches on the inside of my thigh, right below the hemline of my shorts as I was seated. It wasn't there in the morning, and I have absolutely no idea what could have caused it. Kitties were not pouncing on me.... It was rather distressing and most mysterious.

    I got it washed - as Sis said, it looked better without all that blood! - and she found some Nio Sporin for it. I did indeed have some gauze but, rather than squares as I'd thought, it was rolled bandages. So, I got my thigh wrapped, which looks ridiculous, but what can you do? The purpose of keeping the wound protected is served.

    I got a mystery scrape on the side of the other knee earlier in the week, but that didn't bleed. Don't know where that came from either. Guess I'd better be more careful and mindful.
