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Monday, July 29, 2024

We Are Not Going Back!

Vice President Kamala Harris


  1. Video: Harris vs Trump! Prediction Professor Explains Which Way the Election is Leaning with Kamala Harris - Click

    I think the Professor is mistaken with regard to Harris not ticking the charisma key. The groundswell of support for her within and beyond the Democratic Party is remarkable. Of course some of that is negative, i.e. anti-Trump, but it still redounds to her benefit.

  2. Vance's catlady comment is not only hurtful and insulting to infertile people and women who have difficulty bearing children or who cannot do so at all. There's another cohort that is still being ignored, that is people like myself, who always wanted marriage and a family but whose life circumstances have made that impossible.

    It is not by choice that I am Miss. It is not by choice that I am childless. And yet, guess what, J.D.? I manage not to be miserable (mostly) and I do love my country. So you can take your insensitivity and shove it!

    Video: 'Organic wildfire': How Vance's cat ladies comment continues to be a gift for Democrats - Click
